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Blog Posts — Polyester Slings

Load Capacity and Terminology for Lifting Equipment

Load Capacity and Terminology for Lifting Equipment

Load capacity refers to the maximum demand, stress, force or load that may be placed on a given system under normal or otherwise specified conditions for an extended period of time.
Reasons for Buying British Made Products

Reasons for Buying British Made Products

Cardno reasons for why Buying British is the better option - Quality Control processes to ensure quality products, Product Warranties which are generally longer, Potential Money Savings through component replacement & product repair, Green Thinking by reducing shipping and waste....

Polyester Lifting Slings

Polyester Lifting Slings

Lifting polyester slings are versatile, abrasion resistant and strong.

Lifting Slings are available in simplex, duplex & endless round with a tonnage from 1 to 20 tonnes subject to length and sling type. All lifting slings are also certified & tested with a 7:1 safety factor.