Cardno Recovery Wheel Skates - Best Practice

Best practice when loading the wheel skate:
The vehicle needs to be jacked up and the skate inserted under the wheel in the direction of travel, this aligns the swivel castors thus avoiding the casualty vehicle travelling off line.
We offer two versions of the Cardno recovery wheel skate - the 1 tonne and the 2 tonne. The weight rating is for one wheel skate.
Note: It is important that you do NOT overload the skate. Think about the weight of the vehicle to be moved before using the skates.
For added load security and safety, the vehicle should be secured to the wheel skate using our specifically designed Wheel Skate straps. We do offer these at a discounted price when you purchase our wheel skates.

See the Cardno Vehicle Wheel Skates range. Contact us if you could do with some more advice. We’re always happy to help!
- Cardno Sales Team