Blog Posts — Wheel Skates

Manufacturing to a Customer's Design
Listening to customers. Cardno is continually adapting its product offer to include more specific customer requests where it is most likely to be relevant and interesting to many other customers.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Chain Slings Lifting Chain Load Restraint Towing Straps Vehicle Skates Webbing Straps Wheel Skates Winch Ropes Winching Aid

Electric Vehicles Breakdown & Recovery
New electric and hybrid vehicle models (EV&HV) are coming out all the time and sales of them are growing really quickly. For a vehicle recovery operator, this means a whole new experience in moving, lifting and loading them compared to petrol and diesel vehicles.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Movement Wheel Skates

Cardno Recovery Wheel Skates - Best Practice
Vehicle recovery skates are very useful for moving vehicles with locked or damaged wheels. Keep the wheels straight and don't overload!
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Made in Britain Vehicle Movement Vehicle Skates Wheel Skates
When and How to Use Recovery Wheel Skate Skids
Wheel winching skate skids
For moving or recovering cars or light commercial vehicles on a hard surface when, for whatever reason, one or more of the road wheels cannot be rotated.
This could be because the wheel(s) is locked, damaged or access to the vehicle is prohibitive (for example, vehicle locked keys not available and handbrake is on). It could also be used to unload a locked vehicle off of the back of a recovery vehicle
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Movement Vehicle Recovery Equipment Vehicle Skates Wheel Skates Winching Aid

Hi-Vis Yellow Wheel Winching Skates
These strikingly-coloured Hi-Vis Yellow wheel winching skates, are clearly visible, compared to original-coloured skates, so the chances of losing or forgetting them at the scene of the recovery of a vehicle are greatly reduced.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Recovery Equipment Vehicle Skates Wheel Skates Winching Aid