Motorcycle Transport Tie-Down Straps

Motorcycles are a very popular form of transport with, many thousands of them on our roads at any one time. So, the law of averages suggest that a fair proportion of them will either break down or be involved in a traffic accident at some time or another. But, are you ready and set up with the right equipment to deal with this if either of these situations arise?

If you don't have straps specifically for securing motorcycles to your recovery truck or trailer, you can buy all you would generally need are the straps included in the three images above as a complete kit.
Or we can offer alternative hook ends, bespoke strap lengths and can mix and match long ends and short ends, because Cardno manufactures it's own straps and ratchet assemblies, in house. In fact, anything, to match your individual requirement*
* If you are unable to select your specific requirement from our website offer, just give us a call. We are most happy to help sort you out.
Please contact us if you could do with some more advice. We’re always happy to help.
- Cardno Sales Team