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Vehicle Towing Equipment & Accessories

Vehicle Towing Equipment & Accessories

Towing and moving vehicles is the bread and butter of a good number of businesses. So, it is wise to have good quality straps and accessories on your vehicles at all times. That way, you will be confident of completing a successful recovery/transfer.

Cardno use high quality webbing and attachments to manufacture their own straps in-house. This enables bespoke assemblies to be produced to precise customer requirements, whether it be length of the strap or the type of hook required. We also pride ourselves on the quality and durability of the finished product.

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On Tow Accessories

In addition to straps, we offer a number of accessories to complement towing & moving operations. These include trailer lights, boards, full trailer board kits and all the necessary cabling to connect to the donor vehicle.
Also available are various wheel skates and skids, including the popular 'Gojak' skates, ideal for moving vehicles where at least one wheel is locked or damaged.

See the Cardno Towing Accessories range. Contact us if you could do with some more advice. We’re always happy to help.

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