Blog Posts — Vehicle Recovery Equipment

Vehicle Towing Equipment & Accessories
Towing and moving vehicles is the bread and butter of a good number of businesses. So, it is wise to have good quality straps and accessories on your vehicles at all times. That way, you will be confident of completing a successful recovery/transfer.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Made in Britain Towing Equipment Towing Straps Vehicle Movement Vehicle Recovery Equipment

Motorcycle Transport Tie-Down Straps
Motorcycles are a very popular form of transport with many thousands of them on our roads at any one time. So, the law of averages suggest that a fair proportion of them will either break down or be involved in a traffic accident at some time or another.
Are you geared up & ready with the right equipment to do the job?
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Load Restraint Made in Britain Motorcycle Straps Tie-down Straps Vehicle Recovery Equipment

Moving Electric & Hybrid Vehicles on Wheel Skates
An alternative way of moving Electric and Hybrid Cars opposed to 'straight dragging' is to lift onto vehicle wheel skates before winching up the vehicle bed.
Lifting onto vehicle wheel skates before winching may be more time consuming in terms of operation, however, the risk of damage to the vehicle is minimised.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Movement Vehicle Recovery Equipment Vehicle Skates

When and How to Use Recovery Wheel Skate Skids
Wheel winching skate skids
For moving or recovering cars or light commercial vehicles on a hard surface when, for whatever reason, one or more of the road wheels cannot be rotated.
This could be because the wheel(s) is locked, damaged or access to the vehicle is prohibitive (for example, vehicle locked keys not available and handbrake is on). It could also be used to unload a locked vehicle off of the back of a recovery vehicle
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Movement Vehicle Recovery Equipment Vehicle Skates Wheel Skates Winching Aid

What is a Snatch Block Used For?
A Snatch Block is a great aid to winching operations:
- By increasing load pulling capacity
- By facilitating a change of direction of the pull if required
- By improving life expectancy of the winch and rope through reducing the strain applied on them
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Recovery Equipment Winching Aid

Hi-Vis Yellow Wheel Winching Skates
These strikingly-coloured Hi-Vis Yellow wheel winching skates, are clearly visible, compared to original-coloured skates, so the chances of losing or forgetting them at the scene of the recovery of a vehicle are greatly reduced.
- Cardno Sales Team
- Tags: Vehicle Recovery Equipment Vehicle Skates Wheel Skates Winching Aid